Author: Krishnesh Bapat

I am a lawyer practicing in courts across the NCT of Delhi.

Monitoring Shutdowns – Introduction

India suspends internet services more often than most countries. In 2023 alone, governments across the country suspended internet services on 33 separate occasions – effectively prohibiting citizens from accessing news, availing banking services, conducting business and staying connected with friends and family. Considering the ubiquity of internet today, I am of the opinion that internet should be considered a non-derogable...

The Re-Appropriation of MP-LAD Funds – a Case of Bypassing Constitutional Procedure

In 1993, the then Prime Minister, P.V Narasimha Rao announced the Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (“MPLADS”). The objective of the scheme was to enable Members of Parliament to recommend works of developmental nature in their constituencies with an emphasis on the creation of durable community assets based on locally felt needs. Since 2011-12, the legislature has been...