28 June 2023 Monitoring Shutdowns – Kolhapur, Maharashtra (June 7, 2023) #2 Internet was suspended in Kolhapur on June 8 after protestors clashed with the police to demand action against those who praised Aurangzeb on social media. Categories Monitoring Shutdowns
22 June 2023 Allahabad HC judicially censors a documentary Al Jazeera’s documentary titled ‘India..who lit the fuse?’ has been temporarily banned without even examining its contents or hearing counsel for Al Jazeera. Categories Right to Information/Speech
4 June 2023 Monitoring Shutdowns – Saharanpur, UP (May 29, 2023) #1 The internet was suspended on May 29th, 2023 at 4 PM, and it continued till at least, 4 PM on May 30th, 2023. Copy of the order is not available. Categories Monitoring Shutdowns
2 June 2023 Law Commission’s report on Sedition: My reservations The Report recommends incorporating the ruling in Kedar Nath Singh in Section 124A, ignoring how law has evolved in the past 50 years. Categories Speech/Supreme Court
27 May 2023 SCOTUS decides to not interfere with 26 words that made the internet While SCOTUS has decided not reduce the scope of the 26 words in Section 230(c)(1), the Government of India wants to do away with safe harbour altogether and change the internet as we know it. Categories Foreign Cases/Intermediary Liability
25 May 2023 Delhi Government, so close, yet so far! Part – 2 In this post, I discuss whether the ordinance is contrary to the decision of the Supreme Court or it permissibly removes the foundation of the judgment. Categories Federalism/GNCTD v UOI/Supreme Court
22 May 2023 Delhi Government, so close, yet so far! Part -1 Supreme Court’s judgment on who can exercise control over civil servants in Delhi, permits Parliament to enact laws on the issue. Categories Supreme Court